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21st Century Career Ready Skilling

In partnership with our committed group of partners, we endeavor to equip students and educators alike with a wide range of skills. We believe a comprehensive worldly approach to education prepares our youth to contribute in any professional setting and our workshops reflect our commitment to future ready skill building. To learn more about how you can volunteer or join our workshops, reach out at

STEM Oriented Workshops


Mobile App Development

Sponsor: Delta Tech Hub

The workshop familiarizes students with the basics of a mobile application and the coding process. Students receive lessons from industry experts on challenges they can face and how to overcome them when developing apps.


Science in Your Food: Making Ice Cream

Sponsor: Corteva Agriscience

The students got hands-on experience of making ice cream even as they learnt the
scientific processes of endothermic and exothermic reactions. Corteva experts introduced students to the advances in
history of agriculture and familiarized them
with the scientific importance of food.

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ESG For Sustainable Ideation

Sponsor: FACTSET

The workshop familiarized students with the different Sustainable Development Goals and the challenges that fall under
them. Principles of design thinking were explained as students brainstormed on possible challenges faced in situations and ideated sustainable business solutions.

Digital Literacy Oriented Workshops

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Cybersecurity: Your Shield Against Fraud

Sponsor: American Express

The AMEX volunteers raised awareness about cybercrime laws, guiding students on
reporting grievances to legal authorities. The session emphasized cybersecurity knowledge, online safety practices, identifying phishing attempts, and understanding fraud prevention.


Being Artificially Intelligent

Sponsor: Reliaquest

The session focused on students exploring the applications of AI and machine learning in their lives. The students delved into the pervasive influence of these technologies, gaining insights into their relevance and impact on future careers.

Financial Literacy Oriented Workshops

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Making a Sustainable Impact With Social Media

Sponsor: Bloomberg

The workshop provided knowledge and expertise to students for effective use of
visual media for impact. Through an interactive session students learnt the basics tips on how to make an effective
video and expressed their sustainability
solutions/strategies in a video format.


Debt and Credit

Sponsor: Volvo

The students had the opportunity to interact with experts from the finance industry and learn about the evolution of money. The students also learned about credit and what consequences one might face with heavy debt in breakout room group activities.


Empowering Entrepreneurship

Sponsor: Marsh McLennan

The session engaged the students and the MMC executives with knowledge-
packed information on the impact technology has had on entrepreneurship and the future aspects of business
development with the use of technology.

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Economics for Success

Sponsor: American Express

The session allowed students to interact with AMEX volunteers and understand
the right way to explore everyday economics. Students enjoyed interacting, learning and being guided by the volunteers as they demonstrated the concepts of saving and investing money.

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